I am not a techie. When will I learn? I actually got a fat lip making an mp3 today (for real: I tried to wiggle the microphone - in it's stand - to get it closer to my mouth - and wound up, like some cartoon character - having it, and me, fly backwards - whereby I received a bloody and fat lip and nearly fell off the rolling chair.)
This mp3 is the sad attempt to record a slightly altered version of a class I gave. I thought it would be done by October 31st. And happily told the readers of my newsletter that I'd have it in podcast form and "out there" for their listening pleasure by that date.
Here we are - nearly a month later - I recorded the thing a number of times. Used my Mac the first couple. But then found myself with a 77 MB file (for a 15 minute recording) - when everything I read told me that I should have come up with a 7 MB file.
I pursued way too many ways to upload such a chunky file (time consuming and pointless) before it occured to me that I could borrow my brother's music studio - where everything is already set up - to make a correctly sized file.
It's done now - I have a correctly sized mp3 file (and a fat lip) - and can now try to upload the thing and make it into a podcast - but, to be on the safe side, I'm going to borrow my son's fencing mask.
Wish me luck!
Woo hoo!!! You did it!!! Take a picture of that fat lip for posterity :~)
Posted by: Deb Schanilec | Wednesday, 30 November 2005 at 09:28 AM