Well, there you go...
The moment I got the title for this post up on the screen ("Bits and Pieces" - chosen because I wanted to share things from here, there and everywhere) I started writing this post...
where I talk a bit about coming up from the Underworld - a topic that I've been blocked on each time I tried to share my experience. Ah, funny how the mind works (or doesn't).
So, I'm back from the Underworld - and wondering about YOU...?
There were a number of folks who mentioned (in comments on the blog, on FB and in e-mails) going through a similar experience - and I wonder if our stories about coming back up are similar as well...??
I've come back without any diamonds this time.
Let me rephrase that: I'm not aware of any diamonds that I've brought back with me this time - although I have a vague sensing that I brought something back.
Maybe rough diamonds - maybe just hunks of coal with some sparkle mixed in - I'm not sure. They look a bit like plain coal and my thoughts about that aren't springy-happy (though I will say that I am so glad to be back).
One thought I had was: "Big whooping deal! Was it worth all that (the emotional pain, the near-teenage angst) - to bring back this (plain old coal)?"
And again, I wonder...
How did your upward journey go? Or are you still in the Underworld? Maybe I retreated too quickly and all the lovely women who were saying: "I'm here too!" are still there???
I'm definitely still in the Underworld. Considering redecorating.
Posted by: emma | Friday, 26 February 2010 at 11:33 PM
i'm somewhere in between, dear karen. i feel like i have a canthardly diamond in my pocket (you, a diamond where, when you look at it you say "it's so small, i can't hardly SEE it!!). so with this canthardly diamond in my pocket, i wonder if i shouldn't go back into the underworld for more. not that i need more diamonds (see how i'm stuck in between?) i just feel like i might have missed something. ever heard the song "something's missing" by john mayer? that's where i am right now. i appear to have everything i need. but then, maybe the next thing is to just step fully out of the underworld and into the open air again. maybe my diamond needs some breathing room to grow...
Posted by: Dian Reid | Monday, 01 March 2010 at 04:13 PM
i got the bends and had to slow my ascent. it happens.
Posted by: whollyjeanne | Monday, 01 March 2010 at 07:11 PM