The wondrous Bridget Pilloud and I exchanged guest posts - her body mindfulness, body love post "Loving That Body" is here -
and my "Grab That Thought...or Not" is over on her blog -- please go check out my wisdom (ok, I'm giggling - but you knew that!).
Here's a little taste (of my guest post) to whet your appetite. I'm all about food today - cooking vegan chili soup, fresh bread and blueberry blintzes just in case the electric goes out in yet another - argh - East Coast snow storm.
Here you go - a little taste of "Grab That Thought...or Not" - a response to Bridget's "Eff You Law of Attraction" post:
...Real life is slippery - messy and beautiful, glorious and mundane, difficult and easy. It's not one-sided. Not always Winter, not always Spring (unless you live in the tropics, or on the equator - or... Note to self: forget weather metaphor).
Life has its rose moments (oh gag, another metaphor), but it also has manure moments (which roses actually need). Ups and downs, roses and manure - real life contains it all.
When the hard stuff (manure) comes - when we hurt or get knocked around by life (which will happen once we're over say, four years old - and for many of us even before that) - we often reach for something: an absolute - a rule - an explanation. We grab hold of thoughts (ideals) that we think will keep us safe, or bring safety back.
We lose mindfulness and openness.
Now, go on -- go visit Bridget (and her newly spiffed up site) and read the rest. And please say "Hi!" Check out what she says about me - she likes me, she really likes me (grin).
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