I feel very vulnerable sharing this, but despite feeling shaky I'm doing it!
As I thought about posting this (perhaps this is why I feel vulnerable) I heard mocking internal voices reminding me that, though I've often talked about living BIG, about allowing ourselves to be seen and heard, I've also opted for hiding under my own invisibility cloak time and time again.
Well, I'm attempting to use The Guest House Approach to working with those mocking internal voices (hard work this time!) - and so, while the voices and the fear still whisper, I'm sharing:
Jump to your peril
and your joy.
You know, you stand there
thinking you have readied yourself -
But your planning, your gear, your garments
will be torn from you
one by one -
and you will face
the glories and griefs of a Big Life
naked, unarmed, alone
and ABLE.
(p.s. I tried to change the word "alone" to something else, because it has negative connotations - but it won't be changed - AND it's not negative here)
*The image above is a scanned copy of a SoulCollage© card I made to go with the poem; you can learn about SoulCollage© here (it's one of my favorite self-care tools - and Kaleidosoul is the best place, imho, to learn about it. P.S. this is an affiliate link, a place I visit often and share with love!).
How do we accept and celebrate our uniqueness? Where do we find community?
This is what we talk about in our brand-new e-guide packages: Square-Peg Celebration & Community is an Inside Job.
Hop on over to the Shop and read more (don't forget to listen to the free MP3 samples!).
I love this, Karen. Thank you for sharing...
Posted by: Gin | Thursday, 07 November 2013 at 11:44 PM
You're welcome, Gin - and thank YOU <3
Posted by: Square-Peg Karen | Monday, 11 November 2013 at 01:01 PM