As I started to write this introduction to the 2014 Support Stories series I suddenly realized:
this is the 5th year that women I adore - big-hearted writers, coaches, artists and teachers - have joined with me during the sometimes hard, almost always hectic, holiday season to share stories of encouragement and support.
Here's what I wrote in last year's intro (I tried writing a new one, but the old one still fits):
you know that thing, right?
On our holiday Support Stories page we've got the accumulated wisdom of a wonderful group of women who know that stories (sharing who we are and where we've been) heal hearts (or, sometimes - when things get really tough - what we all need is to have someone lovingly hold our hearts - stories can do that, too).
There's sure to be at least one of these encouraging and heart-opening stories that is just what you need to hear (or read, as the case may be)!
Please open yourself to being blessed - grab some tea (read: beverage of your choice) and sit down with one of these stories, then come back for more as needed.
We'll be sharing this year's Support Stories on Tuesdays - starting November 25th, with a beautiful offering from Anne Marie Bennett of KaleidoSoul.
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