I said I would "do writing" this morning - even got up early for that very purpose. What did I actually do?
Gathered some laundry and threw it in the washer (it was needed - can't go without underdrawers! Well, I can - and have - but it's a good drying day for laundry).
Spent a decent amount of time perusing the sales page of a vibrant writing class (even while knowing that my funds are limited at the moment) because - words! (and, you know - inspiration). I cooked myself breakfast (a rare treat) and wrote up a list of to-dos for next week (it's a damn busy week - no way I could keep track of it without some kind of list),
and checked out the price on a pair of much-needed shoes (my feet have been killing me; I need particular shoes to keep the pain at a minimum <-truth!),
did yoga - haven't done yoga in weeks; I really needed to get back to it because when I don't do yoga it affects my sleep - and contributes to my foot pain.
I got dressed and put on my eyebrows
(I have none - and folks without eyebrows have a scary kind of look that I didn't want to have today. Fact: I have eyebrows, they're just not where they're meant to be. I have a lot of them between my eyelashes and eye crease, in that space known as my eyelid, also some in approximately the middle of my forehead - just don't have any on my brow line; unless you count the few white ones that grow long and stick straight out)
because I have an errand to do later today and I didn't want to head out naked and eyebrowless.
I checked the weather - and rechecked it because I forgot what I read the first time (that's how I found out that it's good clothes drying weather).
And now it's getting close to time to head out for that errand, so instead of getting started with writing knowing I'll have to stop soon (probably right when I get into the groove) I think I'll practice my language skills (on Duolingo - do you know about Duolingo? It's a fantastic, free, language learning program).
And other stuff - I did other, less important, stuff too - plenty of it.
If writing brings you clarity, heals you, connects you to yourself, others, ALL (as it does for me), I'd love to know what you do instead of writing. Care to share?
Photo: mine (Karen); filter: Moku Hanga App
It took the rose pictured above about 8 years to finally bloom - and it had to shoot out a 6 ft. long, thorny branch to bloom on (past the tall grasses, planted after it - that went wild and kept it from enough sun). May we have that kind of steadfastness, grit, endurance, fortitude, COURAGE to bring our writing(s) to bloom (thank you, Thesaurus)!
Want to hear (and/or read) stories that bring you awareness, allowing, acceptance and appreciation (i.e. celebration!) - of yourSELF! As you are. Now!
Yeah? Good! Then check out Square-Peg Celebration: Stories of Acceptance and Grace.
There's a gorgeous 47-page pdf including the essays, Slightly-British Daughter's gorgeous photography, and inspiring quotes - plus a recording of each essay! (see: hear and/or read!)
What are you waiting for? Go on over and listen (there's a free mp3 sample!).
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