As I mentioned in an earlier post, Jump, I signed up for The Great Discontent's #the100dayproject - committing myself to play with watercolors for, well…100 days.
I even set myself up with a playfull hashtag: #100daysofWCplay, using the initials WC because they are an abbreviation for water closet/toilet.
Well, here we are 50 days into the project (half way! half way!) - and I'm more than a little amazed at my consistency (flabbergasted, actually) because I've honored my commitment every day (night, to be truthful) - even when I've felt far from motivated.
The thing is, I committed myself to doing the #the100dayproject for self care reasons:
1) I needed more play in my life (play is vital for my Self, ab-soul-utely vital - but I often put it off, there's always something to get to first and then - ohmy, I'm too tired, how about tomorrow?),
and 2) I can always use more (ok, some - any) consistency in my life - and consistency is so much easier (for me, anyway) when there's some form of accountability involved. #the100dayproject was a perfect fit with my needs!
When I talked to myself about watercolor play, the word "play" sounded suggestive of ease (and easiness), but in reality (at least for me) it's tethered to trouble.
Some of the troubles that've troubled me while I've been playing with watercolors are:
Allowing myself to look like a pre-beginner -
or, as the voices in my head say: "a kindergarten flunk out" - is it obvious that I've still got problems with this?
Trying to keep from making this "the only thing" -
…which I am wont to do with new creative pursuits (anyone remember Toad, from The Wind in the Willows - for whom each new pursuit/hobby/interest became "the only thing", sucking up all his money and time?).
Being consistent -
soooo easy to say: "Today was a busy day, I'll catch up tomorrow" - which is a default for me, and makes it so easy to let things slide for a LONG time.
And mostly, trying to keep it FUN - just a joyful adventure while learning a thing or two.
It's so easy for me to get lost in all there is to learn - lost in excitement about all the possibilities, which can lead to overwhelm - or with the need to get an A++++ (ohgod, the eternal drain of good grades and being told "you can do anything") before I've even begun. Sigh.
What are the troubles that trouble YOU when you're playing - or doing your favorite self care?
Remembering, and actually doing the things that constitute self care (which isn't a one-size-fits-all proposition - we all need different things) isn't always easy, there are so many other things to do - but WOW, so worth it! I'll tell you about some of the benefits that I received in a future post.
The photos above are from my watercolor play time (they're my favorites - the "good" ones; there are plenty of awful ones - that's how play is). If you'd like to see all of my watercolor play photos (hey, it might give you a giggle - or inspiration to create without worrying about results), visit me on Instagram (or on Facebook, if we're friends there - and if not, you can send me a friend request).
P.S. I don't usually (or ever) put the #whatsright hashtag thingy on the photos for the #the100dayproject, but the whole thing has been so right!
P.P.S. If you want some ideas for self care (I've stored up plenty because I'm always needing them!), check out Community is an Inside Job in the Square-Peg Shop - it's all about Self Care, and filled with good!
I've included one of the recordings, Building a Self-care (Love Thyself) Toolbox (as a gift) right on the page linked above - go have a listen!
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